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5 ways travel insurance helps you enjoy carefree holidays

Vacation time is here! These are the days to relax, share special moments with family and friends, and celebrate the season.

To have a stress-free time, it’s essential to have the right protection. Consider these five benefits of travel insurance that can help you enjoy your vacations with total peace of mind.

1. Medical care anywhere in the world

Finding competent medical care in a foreign country is not always easy. Barriers such as a confusing health care system, language and costs can be difficult obstacles to overcome.

Travel insurance is designed to provide assistance and medical care during your journey and cover accidents and serious illnesses that require immediate attention.

VUMI® Travel VIP plans cover medical care for accidents, severe illnesses and emergency dental treatment at any hospital or medical center in the world*. It also offers coverage for outpatient visits to general practitioners and specialists, all coordinated by a team that provides 24/7 assistance in your language to guide you through the process.

2. Compensation in case of flight delay, missed connection or trip cancellation

During the holiday season, airports become congested, flights are overbooked, and problems with flight delays and baggage are common.
VUMI® Travel VIP  offers you monetary benefit to cover the necessary expenses in cases such as ∗ :

– Flight delay
– Delay of your luggage
– Missed flight connection through no fault of your own
– Trip cancellation due to causes beyond your control

3. Compensation in case of loss or theft of your belongings

During travel, anything can happen.

In the event your belongings such as luggage, electronic equipment, cash, tickets, admission tickets or passports are lost or stolen, insurance such as VUMI® Travel VIP* offers financial compensation up to 100% depending on the conditions of the incident.

4. Compassionate emergency visit to an insured

Far from home, alone and sick?

A policy like the VUMI® Travel VIP* covers air and accommodation expenses so that a family member or loved one can travel to accompany you while you recover your health in cases of illness, injury or serious accident.

This policy may also cover the travel expenses of an insured who must interrupt their trip due to a close relative being hospitalized or gravely ill while the insured is traveling abroad.

5. Legal assistance if the insured requires it

Legal trouble in a foreign country is the last thing you want to experience during a trip. However, incidents can – and do – occur.

A policy like VUMI® Travel VIP*, depending on the conditions of your plan and the causes of the incident, can provide you with a financial benefit to deal with situations like legal responsibility for bodily injury and property damage.

In addition, it covers a specified amount so that the insured can obtain legal assistance from a local lawyer.

Travel VIP by VUMI® , the smart decision to enjoy carefree holidays

VUMI® Travel VIP policies are a smart option for travelers, since they offer:

  • Extensive global coverage for medical and non-medical benefits
  • 24/7 VIP service in your language to coordinate the services you need

Remember to refer to your plan’s conditions and coverage before accessing any benefits.

For more information, consult your insurance agent.

* Countries subject to sanctions and embargoes established by the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, their government agencies and/or instrumentalities are excluded. The benefits of Travel VIP plans depend on the conditions and riders chosen by the insured.

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